Saturday, March 04, 2006

'A few of the things I have faith in'

'A few of the things I have faith in'
by: R.C. Hoiles, November 24, 1953

I have faith in principles, in truth, in sequence, in order, in cause, in action and reaction, in the Commandments, in the Golden Rule, in Nature, or God.

I have faith that the Commandments and the Golden Rule will promote good will and peace to the degree they are obeyed.

I have faith that whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.

I have faith that to the degree we have free trade and no immigration quotas will we have peace and good will amongst men.

I have faith that our country would be better protected by voluntary soldiers rather than by drafted soldiers.

I have faith that our government would better protect every person's inalienable rights if it was supported on a voluntary basis rather than by taxes.

I have faith that in free enterprise the gain or profit of one is the gain of all.

I have faith in free competition.

I have faith that we will be better educated by voluntary, competitive schools than by government schools.

I have faith that competition will create both material and spiritual development.

I have faith that free competition or an unhampered market in both material things and ideas is a blessing to all mankind.

I have faith in myself and my wife and children and grandchildren, and in all men who will answer questions without evasion about what they are advocating.

I have faith that man is perfectible even if he is fallible.

I have faith that man lives a more abundant life when he lives by the sweat of his brow than by gifts.

I have faith in work.

I have faith that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

I have faith that there shall ever be friendship among the good, but never be friendship among the evil.

I have faith that life is good.

I have faith that men would more nearly reap all they produce and more nearly approach justice under the competitive, free, private enterprise system than under any other system.

I have faith that a government is a good government that only does what each and every individual has a moral and ethical and just right to do.

I have faith that men who have faith in moral principles live more abundantly than those who believe there are no eternal, moral, just principles that govern human relations.

I have faith that gaining understanding of nature's laws is the best way to be useful to one's self and to his fellow man.

These are a few of the things I have faith in.

If an atheist is an individual who contends there are no eternal principles and everything happens by chance, it is hard to conceive then how an atheist can believe that he has any inalienable God-given rights. The only philosophy he could possibly have would be that might makes right and that the end justifies the means. ...

Yes, I have faith. I do not see how man can live without faith.

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